Our customers prove how important our cuddly toys can be for children. A good example is the story of a mother from France who found out in the morning that her son had lost his Keptin-Jr cuddly toy. She first hoped that her child would get over the loss. Nothing was further from the truth: her son was inconsolable and desperate. What to do? Where could she get a replacement cuddly toy? She decided to contact Keptin-Jr immediately. “If it would be possible to deliver that one specific cuddly toy her son loves so much. “Of course!”, we replied. The French lady got into her car and within six hours she arrived at our doorstep. Another six hours later, her son could take his friend back into his arms. Peace had returned.
A bond between a cuddly toy and a child is very strong. Once a baby has taken a liking to a cuddly toy, it will not let go. A permanent friend who offers a feeling of security: that’s why we do it!
Keptin-Jr develops and designs cuddly toys with experts from various fields.
Our designs undergo a continuous process of optimisation in which the parent and the child are central.